Rosalba Breazeale

IG: @rbreaz

Rosalba Breazeale received their MFA from the University of New Mexico and their BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Their multidisciplinary art practice encompasses analog, digital and alternative process photographic sculpture, videography, installation, and fiber art with an emphasis on sustainability. Breazeale’s identity as a Queer, Jewish, transnational adoptee from Peru forms the foundation from which they create work addressing connection to land, immigration, and environmental justice.

They have shown in various group exhibitions internationally including Transmutation with the London Alternative Photography Collective in Margate, England and Seeds in the Soil, a collaboration between Soil Art Gallery in Seattle, WA and Indigo Arts Alliance. Their most recent solo exhibition, Poems From Kay Pacha was on view at Parsonage Gallery in Searsport, Maine.

Breazeale’s interest in sustainable photographic processes granted the opportunity to teach a topics class on the subject at the University of New Mexico and to be published in the Sustainable Darkroom’s 2022 publication, Re Source. They were chosen as one of five of Strata Gallery’s 2022-23 Emerging Artists in Strata Gallery in Santa Fe, NM and was a recipient of the the David C. Driskell fellowship in 2023. Breazeale currently resides in Portland, ME while working on a SciArt collaboration with scientist, Jessica Begay, entitled 500 Unheard Legacies.